Identity and Access Governance - iAccess



Persona and Credential Setup

Create a user persona and securely save API credentials.


User Selection

Identify and select users in iAccess for access provisioning.


Role Assignment and Simulation

Assign roles to selected users and simulate the impact to ensure appropriate access levels.


Role Provisioning

Analyze the simulation results on the dashboard and provision roles based on their criticality for effective access management.

The realm of business application management is fraught with challenges, particularly in maintaining security and regulatory compliance across various access points. Implementing a comprehensive Application Access Governance Suite, like the one we discuss here, is pivotal to addressing these concerns effectively.

With an increasing number of businesses facing intense scrutiny over their access controls and audit compliance, the necessity for a robust system that can manage, analyze, and certify access becomes clear. Such a suite ensures seamless operations while safeguarding against internal and external risks.

Features :

Access Risk Analysis: Leverages automation to identify and manage role conflicts, ensuring effective Segregation of Duties (SoD) across critical applications.

Compliant Provisioning: Analyzes user risk before provisioning to ensure compliance with regulatory standards, utilizing an automated system to manage and revoke access as needed.

Access Certification: Automates the costly and time-consuming process of access reviews, improving accuracy and efficiency in user access certification.

Elevated Access Management: Implements stringent, audit-ready controls for emergency access, minimizing risks and enhancing security through automated workflows.

Role Management: Automates role design, maintenance, and compliance, featuring a visual role builder that facilitates the creation of dynamic roles aligned with access policies.


Reduced Risk and Costs: Automation of key processes reduces reliance on manual efforts, lowering the risk of non-compliance and operational costs.

Enhanced Security: Streamlined workflows and advanced management tools ensure that all access points are secured and compliant with the latest audit and security standards.

Improved Efficiency: By automating the provisioning, certification, and management of user roles and accesses, the suite cuts down on administrative overhead and speeds up operational workflows.

✔ Regulatory Compliance: The suite's advanced features ensure that all access governance activities align with regulatory requirements, thereby preventing potential legal and financial penalties.

✔ Scalability: Designed to accommodate growing business needs, this suite scales efficiently, handling increased demands without compromising on performance or security.

Asked Questions

Q. What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and how does it benefit an organization?


ERM is a strategic approach to identifying, assessing, and managing risks across an organization, enhancing decision-making and operational resilience. It helps in proactively addressing risks to ensure business continuity and achieve organizational goals.

Q. What makes iRMCloud's dashboards essential for effective ERM?


iRMCloud's easy-to-use dashboards provide a centralized, intuitive view of all risk-related data, making it simpler for managers to monitor, analyse, and respond to risks in real-time, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's risk management process.

Q. How does IRMCloud improve the ERM process with its features?


iRMCloud enhances ERM by offering user-friendly dashboards for a clear overview of risks, latest risk insights out-of-the-box for immediate risk identification, an inbuilt risk matrix for simplified risk evaluation, and regular updates to stay aligned with evolving risk landscapes.

Q. How does the inbuilt risk matrix in iRMCloud support better risk decision-making?


The inbuilt risk matrix in iRMCloud simplifies the complexity of risk assessment by categorizing risks based on their severity and likelihood, aiding in prioritizing risks and formulating strategic responses, thus making the decision-making process more streamlined and data-driven.

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